05 April 2011

Marshmallows, Pinecorns, and a Nice Day

We have had a few days where we remember that it might be Spring soon.  (I have protected myself against disappointment by pretending that real Spring doesn't come till May.)  We went to Red Butte Garden one day, where we were treated to a sight of the very rare Marshmallow Tree.  Oddly enough, it only blooms one day a year, on April 1st!
Ky is holding a pinecone on his forehead, like a "pinecorn" (unicorn)

I asked Seb why the marshmallows only came out on April 1st.  He seemed perplexed.

I think he's still wondering about it here.

Everyone ran down the hill.
Even this tiny girl.

But mostly she carried her blanket around and looked serious.
Resting on some Resting Rocks

At one point we lost track of Sebby.  Of course we found him here:


Rachael Spencer said...

aha! a marshmallow tree! well, I never. pinecorns! love em. such a better name than unicorns. I hear you about spring, but rest assured, you're much further into it than we. at least your grass is green and you can see some flowers. We were thrilled to discover our tulip leaves just poking up yesterday.
hothyd. Hot-heed. like a hothead maybe?

Chelsea said...

Oh dear, what is my favorite part about this? Is it the pinecorn or how very concerned Seb is about figuring out the marshmallow tree? Perhaps it is the sum of all these very cute parts

wv: fannies. I kid you not. Fannies