07 July 2006

Some things I like about my Abraham (a short list)

  • He always asks if his latest favorite toy can "watch him sleep" (sit next to his bed at night)
  • He says banging "bane-een," piano "pianio," and hold "hode"
  • He's very positive--for example, the other day I said "There's the field where the hot air balloons were, but they're all cleared away now." Abey said, "Yeah, but it's still a really good field, though!"
  • He loves everything. (I know because one time he said to me, "I love everything!")
  • He calls out "May I get up please now please Mommy please?" when he wakes up from his nap
  • Every morning he helps me water the flowers with his little watering can
  • Every time I'm working in the kitchen he says, "Can I help you with anything, Mommy?"
  • He calls his tricycle (depending on the day) either his "vacuum sweeper truck" or his "motorcycle sidecar."
  • He refers to his scraped knee as "the knee." As in, "Be careful not to touch the knee!"
  • He likes funny toys (see earplug, below)
  • When I tell him something good he's done (e.g., "You sure cleaned up your room well, Abey!"), he says, "Yeah, we'll have to tell Daddy and Grandma about that!"
  • I told him a story about when I was in high school and Philip took me to Provo High and helped me work on jumping over the hurdles for my track team. He liked the story. Then when I was done he said, "Now I'll tell you a story. Once, Honey and I went to . . . well, it's almost the same as yours. We went to Orem High, but instead of turtles, we were jumping over lizards there. "

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