01 March 2012

Little sunshines

I love our sunny little girlies.  Miss Junie is starting to stand up on things, sort of. She has six teeth. What else? After she nurses in the morning she sits up and then does everything all at once: coughs, sneezes, and burps. It's very efficient. Also, I thought for awhile she'd get real hair sooner than Daisy did, but she seems to have slowed in that department. Too much brain development going on, no doubt.

Miss Daisy is the sweetest little two-year-old you'll ever meet.  I just want to hug her and nibble her all the time ("Doan-eat me!" she often says, when she sees me coming. "What can I do then?" I say. "Dust gib me a NINY tiss," she concedes.)

I unapologetically dress her in daisies (or daisy-flowers, as we call them, for clarity) while I still can. I suppose this might turn her into a black-lipstick-wearing Goth in high school, but what will she do about those bright sparkly eyes?


jess and seth said...

Daisy, Daisy, you are to precious for words! I LOVE her in that dress. Please don't apologize--I only wish there were juniper-themed dresses too for little Junie!

Speaking of Daisy, have you seen Downton Abbey, the new BBC Drama? (there is a character named Daisy--she's not nearly as cute as yours, of course) It's pretty good and enthralling, although there are some, shall we say, risque parts right at the beginning of the 1st season.

Chelsea said...

Your children are so sweet and wonderful it almost makes me want to have more of my own!