14 December 2010


December 11th is a birthday for three generations: Sam's Grandpa, my Dad, and little Mr. Ky-guy.  We imagine his grandpa and great-grandpa were probably there celebrating with us, unless they had some better heavenly party to go to (not impossible, I suppose).  Still, our earthly party was pretty good.  It began with pancakes.  A birdie for Malachi, of course:  

And later, a birdie cake as well.  His birdie cake was apparently the only thing he remembered from last year and it was the only thing he kept asking for this year.  "Will I have a birdie cake again?"  We obliged, of course.  Who could ever resist that boy?
It was a buttermilk cake with caramel frosting.  The dark brown on top is pure caramel, and the off-white is caramel with milk and powdered sugar added.  It was GOOD.

He was pleased.

Then his present.  Can you guess what it was?

Another birdie.  A big bally one.  About which Ky says "I will name him Jingle-y birdie, even though he is not really jingle-y."  Ky can hardly carry him, but he loves him.  He told us the next morning when he woke up, "Last night I thought my big birdie was a basketball."

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