01 June 2010

Good Monster

Sam and I often remark upon how Ky doesn't seem to have a bad bone in his body.  (Or maybe ONE bad bone, but a very small one.)  He is the nicest, sweetest two-year-old in the world, and he thinks everyone and everything around him is good too.  Examples:

I heard Ky playing in the other room.  "I'm a bad guy!  Here I come to get someone!"
"Help; don't get me, bad guy!" I said.
"Oh, but I'm a GOOD bad guy, Mommy, and I get you SO nicely!"

We have a (wordless) picture book where there's a bad mouse (we call him the "sneaky guy") that locks the other mice in a room.  At the end the bad mouse gets his just deserts: the good mice push him into the pond.  I always end the book by reading "Then they dance along the road home, and they sit by the fire and have some nice hot cocoa."  And Malachi adds, "And the sneaky guy comes and has some nice hot cocoa too."

He likes bugs and animals and everything he meets.  He always wants to hear me say things are good. 
"Are ladybugs good bugs, Mommy?"
"Yes, very good.  We love to have ladybugs on our roses."
"Are spiders good?"
"Yes, we like spiders."
"And bees are good too?"
"Yes, bees make nice honey for us."
"Mommy, are ants good?"
"Yeeees, I think so.  They work very hard."
"They ARE good, Mommy.  Are flies nice good bugs?"
"No, not too good.  I don't like to have flies in the house."
"Yes, but they are SO nice and good, Mommy.  We LOVE them.  And they ARE good bugs.  We LOVE them to be outside."
"Yes, we love them to be outside."

Malachi likes to pretend he's a monster.  As follows:  "Mommy, this [points to himself] is a monster!  And he's such a GOOD wittle monster!  He's SO nice and good!  And he doesn't chomp you in half, Mommy; he doesn't chomp anyone in half.  He will only chomp a FEW people.  And he's SUCH a nice monster!  Do you WUV him?" 

He also talks in what is supposed to be a low, scary, scratchy monster voice when he's being a monster. (Actually a cute tiny voice, since it's coming from a two-year-old.)  He called me into his room at bedtime.  "THIS MONSTER WANTS YOU, MOMMY!"  (I wish I could reproduce the voice.  It's SO funny.) 
"What do you want, Monster?" I said. 


Melissa said...

You have provided overwhelming evidence. He is the nicest, sweetest two-year-old.

Maybe sometime this summer (school gets out in two days!), I can can jog over (I'll invent some sort of excuse) and see your little boys in action.

Beth said...

I learn something new everyday with your blog. And I LOVE to eat just deserts, skipping my meal of micarr altogether and, you know, eating just deserts.

Sam Nielson said...

Mmmm, sandy deserts.

jess and seth said...

Oh, I wuv him too! He is so sweet! Just deserts--I never knew. Thanks for making me a more well-educated person!

Liz said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever heard (read)! Adorable!

Chelsea said...

If my two-year-old was that sweet and nice you can bet I'd be pregnant again, hoping to reproduce the results. I WUV that boy!!