09 June 2009


Our community association released a bunch of ladybugs (108,000 of them, to be precise) into the community gardens last week, and they had a coloring contest to choose which kids got to let the ladybugs out. Sebby got chosen (the lady on the phone said, "His name was drawn," but I'm sure she really meant that it was due to his excellent coloring) and had been looking forward to it for quite a while.

I was afraid he might get nervous about it when the time actually came, but he didn't. He loved having the bugs crawl all over him---as did we all (I like ladybugs---even crawly ones), except maybe Malachi.

The little bugs were so cute, crawling all over the place. All the kids had fun picking them up and putting them in different gardens (hopefully there weren't too many bug casualties from this). I guess now we will see if they do a good job of keeping the garden pests out. So far, all my plants look intact and uneaten. :)

Update: Seb's prize-winning picture (for posterity):


Melissa said...

My mom used to give us a dime for every ladybug we could catch for her rosebushes. I've heard it's hard to get them to stick around. Hopefully, a few decided to set up camp in your garden. What a great time.

Beth said...

Can you have your neighborhood association talk to my neighborhood association, because I think that could really benefit the Harbor Park, as well.