30 June 2009

Rainy sunsets

We've seen lots of pretty sunsets after recent thunderstorms. Also note the hanging pots, which we got to replace the ones whose bottoms fell out as we were hanging them up earlier this year (giving us quite a shock!).


Megan said...

gorgeous pictures! And where did you get those pots? They're gorgeous. Much better than the run of the mill plastic.

Ginna said...

wow, so gorgeous! We haven't seen the sun or sky enough to have a sunset in quite a while. Hopefully soon!

Erin Leigh said...

hello marilyn!! how nice to find you in the blogging world too - this is great! :) i love keeping up with peoples lives on these things. it makes for some great entertainment. so now i can totally blog stalk you too, hee hee! i do live in utah still, just good ol' provo. it looks like you live in a LOVELY area! i think mindy rich might live close, she's in south jordan i think. i guess that doesn't mean she's necessarily close. but you never know! or maybe it was west jordan she lived in. anywho, so good to see you in cyberspace, i think you're great!!! and cute family p.s.