20 June 2008

Pictures of Abraham

We spent two evenings last week walking around taking pictures of the boys (like my friend Beth [who is a great photographer--she took some of our engagement pictures, and has also taken some fabulous model-type shots of me wearing her sister's prom dress--very glamorous], I'm getting tired of paying $20 for one sheet of pictures at a studio--and can you ever manage to contain yourself to one sheet?) and here are the results. Sam applied himself to the white balance, the ISO, and other technical details, and I stood behind him yelling, "Look over here! Over HERE! Sebby, look at ME! I'm right HERE!" I'll put the three boys' pictures up in separate posts.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Look at me! I'm dang cited on your bloggity bleepin blog!
P.S. your next purchase: a reflector.
Cute pictures. I'm very impressed. I sent you that awesome photoblog address, didn't I? peekaboo photos?