30 June 2012

Four thousand people

Miss Daisy's vocabulary increases every day, with the unfortunate side-effect of making it almost impossible to guess what she's saying from context. Luckily she's getting easier to understand too, but every so often I just become totally perplexed. It's painful the way she enunciates so patiently for me, and I still so often remain clueless. 
There were a few days in a row we were driving in the car and she chirped out suddenly, "Four thousand people, mommy!" I could NOT understand where she was seeing them or where she got that figure.
"Four thousand people! Four thou-sand peo-ple!" she said more and more frantically. Occasionally I thought maybe she was saying "Four DOZEN people," but that was as far as I got.
"Show me the four thousand people!" I kept saying, and she'd say, "No, Mommy, I didn't say four thousand people . . . I said FOUR THOUSAND PEOPLE!"
Finally she pointed and I looked out the window.
Oh. Oh! A Volkswagon Beetle. 
And now I know.

1 comment:

jess and seth said...

There is nothing quite as sweet as when you finally do figure it out--I love the relief on their face--Mommy gets it--finally!