14 February 2012

A few

The boys made this house (treehouse) out of blocks

I was glad to see the bunnies making themselves at home (with sentinel Pig nearby)

Dr. Daisy, after a visit to our new hospital's open house, which was spectacular---we got to see germs on our hands with UV light, go through the surgery rooms, drill through and attach metal plates to bones (!! yes! The boys loved it), SAW through bones, see the MRI machine, and more.  Ah---and there were also cookies and hot chocolate.

Junie's finally big enough to sit up by herself in the cart!  Hooray!

The temple was pretty the other night---all I had was my phone camera, so you can't see Moroni silhouetted against the moon, but it was a cool effect.

Happy Daisy girl

1 comment:

jess and seth said...

Now, that's a shopping cart I could use! Our grocery store has the wheels for "driving" down in front, and my kids always climb in and out and nearly get run over. They end up on the roof of the car thing all the time when my back is turned. No, it is not my fault for not buckling them in . . .