06 December 2011


 We got our Christmas decorations (mostly) up and have been enjoying the festive atmosphere they lend.

Juniper loves the Little People Nativity, as every baby has and does.  This is one of the best presents we've ever gotten (thank you, Sheila!).

She was really playing with it, putting the animals in the stable and so forth.

She was slightly put out, but resigned, when the inevitable happened (i.e. Daisy came and took over)

The kids got some new pajamas, which I decided they should wear all month instead of 
waiting till Christmas Eve.

Matching gingerbread babies

Our rainbow Christmas tree


Chelsea said...

Juniper has grown up and I haven't met her yet. When would you like to come to my house? We'll prepare something wonderful whenever you can make it. (Okay, maybe not wonderful, but come down anyway!)

jess and seth said...

So, do they have gingerbread pj's in my size? I want some of those! :)

I like that you gave them pajamas early. And I love your color-coordinated house and Christmas tree--I'll bet is spectacular in real life! Wish I lived nearby to see it . . .