30 August 2011

Seb's birthday

Sebastian's birthday dinner request this year was Eggs Benedict with avocados and tomatoes, with sausage AND bacon on the side (a very rare treat).  And volcano cakes for dessert.  He carefully arranged his second plate (and wanted me to "take a picture so we can remember how nice it was") thus:
Perhaps on his next birthday he will have some front teeth!

He's such a happy, funny six-year-old.  We set goals this week of things we could do to increase love at home, and Seb's was that he would be Abraham's "Morning Servant."  As he related to me, this means he would make Abe's bed for him---get out Abe's clothes---pull Abe from room to room on his beanbag (so Abe wouldn't have to walk)---give Abe Honey (his bear) when needed---get drinks for Abe---and whatever else Abe requested.  He was so pleased and excited about it (as was Abe).

Sebby is also my best sous-chef---he loves to help with anything in the kitchen and especially likes to taste and adjust seasonings.  I always try to let him help with things that need to be adjusted because he's so SERIOUS and meticulous about it.  "A little more cayenne pepper, Mommy---but just a BIT.  And a little more sour cream to balance it out."  He's usually right, too.  He must have a well-developed palate. :)

He's so outgoing and friendly, he wants to talk to everyone we meet.  I loved the man-to-man talks he had with the workers when we were having our basement finished, asking them if they liked their work, asking them to explain what they were working on, telling them about school and what he wanted to be when he grew up ("I might be a worker like you, but I'm still thinking about it.  I might also be a carwash man, or a sprinkler man, or a physicist, or an artist.  I haven't decided yet for sure.").  Everyone who meets him, likes him.  And we like him the most of all!  Hooray for Sebby!

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