03 January 2011


 I wanted to take pictures of the boys in their new Monster shirts (they got little monster iron-on pieces for Christmas, and you can choose which parts to use so you make your own monster on the shirt).  They had so much fun putting them together, and they turned out so cute!
Ky's idea of a suitable monster expression

But suddenly, as I lined them all up to get a picture together. . .

 . . . someone began to feel left-out.  And like she should really be a part of this.
So she inserted herself into the line-up.
She really does not appreciate anything going on without her involvement.

And, since she seemed to wish it (and since I am certainly not a model of self-restraint when taking pictures of my little darlings) she got some pictures of her own.  Here she is saying, "Hiiiiiii!"


jess and seth said...

My kids are huge fans of your shirts--what a fun idea!

Science Mom said...

I love the Monster shirts...what a cute idea. I love how you post the whole progression/digression of moments on your blog. It is always a hoot!

music mom said...

Perfect stair steps in your kids' heights! Hi Marilyn! It's been ages! You are so good at taking pictures and posting them! I have got to get a camera! My kids are going to be missing whole chunks of their lives because of my lack of picture-taking...and too busy life. All of your children are darling. Cute little girl! All blondies!