12 February 2010

Friday pictures

Here are some recent pictures of the boys.  This is from the Sunday Abe and Seb sang "A Young Boy Prayed" in sacrament meeting.  (They did a great job.  Ky could have sung it too, but he wasn't tall enough to be seen over the pulpit.)  I think, viewed together, these provide a good glimpse of the picture-taking process. :)

My favorite (note Seb's smarmy smile, and Abe and Ky's ramrod-response to "sit up straight!")

Another day: (Ky looks VERY SERIOUS)
And lastly, a rare picture of all four together (Daisy looking relatively pleasant, and Ky reaching up to pat his nicely coiffed hair):


Rebecca said...

Lovely photographs. You can see the boys would rather be playing, but they are being patient! Looks like you all had a fun time.

Jen said...

I have the hardest time getting everyone smiling but these are my favorite because you really see the personalities!

jess and seth said...

I can't believe you were able to get that many pictures of them! They look so handsome! (And beautiful, Daisy) My kids will never sit still. And Eleni recently dropped the camera and broke it. I think she did it on purpose. So I have given up trying.