17 February 2010


We have a hard time calling her just "Daisy."  It is nearly always "Daisy-dear," or "Little Daisy," or "Daisykins."  (As I think I've said before, we did consider naming her Marguerite or Margaret and nicknaming to Daisy, but decided we liked it better on its own.)  Maybe as she gets older those long nicknames will die out (I use "Abe" "Seb" and "Ky" more often than their longer names now, as they are easier for yelling across the house) :)

Anyway, here are some smiling (!!) pictures.

And so you can see how tiny she is . . .

16 February 2010

Non-thrilled sitter

Daisy is allowing herself, reluctantly, to be talked into sitting up.  She would rather arch her back and straighten out like a ramrod.  But she can sit for a few moments if necessary.

12 February 2010

Friday pictures

Here are some recent pictures of the boys.  This is from the Sunday Abe and Seb sang "A Young Boy Prayed" in sacrament meeting.  (They did a great job.  Ky could have sung it too, but he wasn't tall enough to be seen over the pulpit.)  I think, viewed together, these provide a good glimpse of the picture-taking process. :)

My favorite (note Seb's smarmy smile, and Abe and Ky's ramrod-response to "sit up straight!")

Another day: (Ky looks VERY SERIOUS)
And lastly, a rare picture of all four together (Daisy looking relatively pleasant, and Ky reaching up to pat his nicely coiffed hair):

09 February 2010

Happy and Halfy

Birthdays to two of the best ones in the world.
We love you!

01 February 2010

Two sitters, retro wave, snuggled

Matching facial expressions

Ky's wavy hair

Cute blanket boy, just woke up