09 April 2009

Another good idea

I'm sure you've been waiting with bated breath for the next iteration of Malachi's lid-putting activities. I won't disappoint you: here it is.

He installed himself at this little desk (a step-stool) for some serious work. It involved some climbing out and climbing up and climbing in, but for a Big Boy like Ky, that's no problem at all.

Note: Ky's latest word is "drop" ("BOP!"), which can often be heard emanating from the backseat of the car or from his highchair after he's dropped one of his lids. The other day he was riding in the shopping cart across the parking lot, when suddenly he started saying insistently, "Bop! Bop! Bop!" I looked back and sure enough, way back by the car there was a tiny green lid sitting forlornly on the ground. (Yes, we went back and retrieved it.)

1 comment:

Sheila said...

He's such a sweet boy!