03 November 2010


Ky is sweet and smart and cute and I love him TO DEATH, but as I may have mentioned before, he seems to be congenitally incapable of looking at me when I say "look at me."  It's just beyond his capabilities, somehow.  My best bet is to get him to tell me something, since while he's talking he sometimes looks at me accidentally.  Here he is reciting the poem "Bear in There" for me (enjoy the far left picture, 2nd row down, where he is saying, "When I open the door, he lets out a ROAR!")

It's kind of good to look at a group of pictures like this (click to enlarge) because they capture his expressive, mobile, active little face, and his default state of non-stop chatter, much better than one picture ever could.


jess and seth said...

I especially love his hands and how he's using them to tell the story. What a precious bunch of pictures!

Chelsea said...

I am in love with Ky! If I could get a clone of him I might actually consider having another kid.