14 July 2008

Kennecott Copper Mine

If you've been to the Bingham Copper Mine, chances are you have a picture of you standing next to this very tire. (But probably not with that eerie, disembodied head peering through behind you!) Now we, too, are among that number.

It was a fascinating excursion! We got to watch the truck pouring powdered dynamite down into the holes for blasting (which, regrettably, we were not allowed to be present for), and see the huge trucks crawling up and down the spiraled edges of the mine, like ants. Very large ants. (Compare the scale of the white pickup truck and the huge dump truck in the bottom picture.)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Marilyn, this is just the day of days. We've been reunited. I immediately went back and saw the comment you left after mine on Jessica's blog. And what a charming comment you left on mine! I was in stitches remembering our Scarlet Pimpernel operas. I'm just thrilled to hear that you've been keeping that up. Also, I love the blog you have here. Let me say that your children are perfectly adorable--and they have every right to be, considering their genetic advantages.

Congratulations on catching that jelly bean. I am impressed every single time I see that sort of thing.

Please be warned. I have subscribed to your blog, so I intend to make my presence known here. Early and often.

"See how they buzz 'round her. Like beeeees to honey."

And I agree with Direct Loan Servicing. Going to the copper mine was a very nice idea.