30 November 2009

Some recent pictures

Daisy all dressed up for church

Abe hangs upside-down while Seb looks on happily

Ky is cold

Abe rolls out scones (yes, his apron says "Morgan" on it)

A block rocket Seb built

Three boys

Several strange facial expressions

Four darling children

22 November 2009

Christmas camel

Did you see the picture Sam drew for the December Friend magazine? I love it.

13 November 2009

Last hurrahs

Brrr!  It looks like our unseasonably warm days might be drawing to a close.  Here are few pictures from our last couple weeks enjoying the weather and the playgrounds.

In one summer Ky has gone from merely thinking he is a real person to actually being a [somewhat] real person.  From barely being able to do anything on the playground, to being able to do everything.  He climbs and hangs and slides and swings just like his brothers now.  I can hardly believe it!!

11 November 2009

Daisy's birth announcement

Here's the picture Sam drew of Daisy for her birth announcement.  (True, they were technically more "reminders" than "announcements"---since we sent them out two months after the birth, and since we could "announce" the birth almost instantaneously on the blog---but it's still a beautiful picture, isn't it?)

If you would like to refresh your memory as to what the other announcements looked like, go here.

09 November 2009

Picnic at the "ake"

Pretty weather the last several days, warm with lots of sun.  We love it.  Here are some pictures of our Sunday picnic.

Pink blessing gown

I forgot to post this picture of Daisy, wearing the pink gown that I was blessed in as a baby.  The crocheted daisy blanket was made by Nana for me when I was born.

04 November 2009

In which we see a great many pictures of a baby in a beautiful dress

Daisy's baby blessing was on Sunday.  My mom made her gorgeous dress!  And the pretty rosebud blanket, come to think of it.

This last picture is my favorite.  Sam thinks it's a bit unseemly for someone to be guffawing like this while wearing a blessing dress . . . but I like it anyway! :)
Do you love her?  We do!

02 November 2009


When I take off her hair she begins to look QUITE bald.

I'm wondering if I should make it a regular part of her morning toilette?

UPDATE: Did you see the awesome video Megan brought to my attention?

Once upon a time . . .

there were three bears.
And a little girl named Goldilocks.

Great Big Bear

Middle-sized Bear

Little Baby Bear


And they all had a very nice time going trick-or-treating.

The end.